Headteacher Welcome
It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to Woodberry Down Community Primary School.
Set close to Finsbury Park in Hackney, our school is a three form entry primary school with approximately 700 children on roll. There are three classes in each year group of approximately 90 pupils. With a preschool provision, children between the ages of two and eleven attend our school.
At Woodberry Down, kindness and understanding are at the core of everything we do, fostering a proudly diverse and inclusive community. There truly is no place like Woodberry Down. With a focus on nurturing innovative and passionate learners, we are committed to providing every child with enriching, meaningful experiences that deepen their understanding of the world. Our broad and engaging curriculum is designed to spark curiosity, inspire imagination and empower our pupils to thrive.
At Woodberry Down, we are deeply committed to fostering a shared sense of responsibility within the wider school community. By providing high-quality education, we strive to improve life opportunities not only for our own pupils but also for those in the broader community. Collaboration lies at the heart of our approach, as we work closely with families and the local community to ensure every child flourishes.
We take pride in knowing and valuing each child as an individual, preparing them for the next steps in their education and equipping them for the challenges and joys of life ahead. At Woodberry Down, every child is encouraged to aim high, supported by dedicated staff who celebrate their achievements and inspire their growth.
Alongside Grazebrook, Shacklewell and Thomas Fairchild primary schools, we are well supported by a strong and experienced governing board who challenge leaders and staff to do all that they can for the pupils and the community.
Our website contains a wealth of information about the school and our partnership with our three sister schools. We update the website content regularly, and I ask that you check frequently to find out about our achievements, our plans and developments. If you cannot find the information that you need, we are always available to support.
You can contact the school office on 0208 800 5758 during working hours or can email us at wdoffice@newwavefederation.co.uk.
Mr. Derek Hewie
Ms. Nicole Reid
Executive Headteacher